Welcome to the Doctoral Center for Environment and Technology

Pursuing a doctorate at the Center
The Doctoral Center offers an individual doctoral path, i.e. you will write your doctoral thesis under the supervision of a professor. The Center provides coaching and networking opportunities as well as non-subject specific qualification workshops like “Academic Writing in English” for free. Knowledge of the German language is necessary for many of those offers. The Center does not offer a structured PhD programme.
You can find general information on doctoral centers, on financing your doctorate and living in Germany here.
How to find a supervisor for your doctoral project
15 professors are members of the Doctoral Center, i.e. they fulfill the required quality criteria to supervise doctorates.
If you are interested in writing your dissertation with one of the professors, feel free to contact her or him via mail and ask for a telephone/online appointment. You should already have an idea for a topic, a preliminary research question and its relevance which you will present to your prospective supervisor.
Once your official application to become a doctoral student was accepted, you can matriculate to the University of applied sciences at which your supervisor works. The application documents are in preparation and will be uploaded within due time.
General information
Two departments and eight research areas
The distinctive interdisciplinarity as well as the broad expertise of the 16 professors involved from the two departments of Water, Environment, Building and Safety as well as Engineering and Industrial Design constitute the particular strength of the university's own Doctoral Center.
The subject-related core in the WUBS department lies in the analysis and assessment of water management and environmental processes; the subject-related core in the IWID department lies in the development of technology-related processes and the creation of products and innovative manufacturing technologies. The subject-related core of the Doctoral Center Environment and Technology is to combine these natural processes and the technical solutions into innovative processes and developments.
For the doctorate, there are research-strong supervisors from several subject areas. Doctoral students can choose between the following research areas and thus place their topic precisely:
1. water management
a) Hydrology and Hydrostatistics
b) Environmental and hydrochemistry
c) Ecology of floodplains and river floodplains
d) Integrated and transboundary water resources management
e) river restoration, near-natural hydraulic engineering and hydrobiology
f) Flood protection and flood risk management
g) hydraulic engineering and hydraulic testing
h) engineering ecology
2. urban and industrial water management and waste management
a) Wastewater discharge and treatment
b) treatment of organic residues
c) drinking water production, treatment and distribution
d) industrial symbiosis
3. climate change
a) Hydrological extreme events, including floods, flash floods and low flows
b) Intersectoral assessments of climate change impacts
c) Adaptation concepts, ecologically oriented planning, environmental assessment and ecological monitoring
d) Green infrastructure and nature-based solutions
e) Importance of water bodies and wetlands for different climate regions
f) Climate change and road construction - impacts and adaptation strategies
4. industry 4.0, automation and human-technology interaction
a) Planning, creation and use of automation systems
b) Digital cross-domain engineering, digital twin, virtual commissioning
c) Non-destructive testing methods for mechanical and civil engineering
d) Lightning protection, high current and high voltage test engineering
e) Human-Technology Interaction, Assistance Systems
f) Biomechanics
g) Motion analysis, optimization and support
h) Smart home / ambient-assisted living
5. renewable energy systems and energy technology
a) Renewable energy generation and conversion
b) Cross-sector energy storage incl. electromobility
c) Operation and control of multi-energy grids and systems including smart grid, virtual power plants incl. energy plants, storage and consumers, concepts, algorithms and tools
6. novel construction materials and resource recovery
a) Further development of road construction materials, esp. asphalt
b) Alternative binders from renewable resources
c) Integrated resource management and nexus approach
d) Recovery of resources from residual materials, including nutrients, energy, construction materials
e) Mineral substitute building materials
f) Land recycling incl. renaturation and revitalization
7. innovative manufacturing processes
a) Technology development of joining processes, including precision friction welding, joining of innovative mixed material joints
b) Technology development of precision machining, e.g. production of defined workpiece surfaces by finish machining
c) Development of process combinations on standard machine tools, e.g. grinding-finishing, hard turning-finishing, milling-finishing
d) Further development of machine and system technology with focus on CNC power-controlled processes
e) Production and process measurement technology
f) material testing methods
8. data analysis and modeling and decision support systems
a) Data analysis, modeling and forecasting of natural and engineered systems.
b) Data mining of environmental and engineering information
(c) machine learning in large data sets and artificial intelligence applications
(d) Simulation of water and piping systems, groundwater flow and transport, environmental engineering facilities, and ecological systems
e) Simulation and risk assessment of natural hazards and NaTech events.
f) Development of prognosis models in civil engineering especially road damages
g) Asset management and condition monitoring of infrastructures
Do you have an idea?
You have an idea for a dissertation topic in the field of environment and technology and are interested in a doctorate at a university of applied sciences in Saxony-Anhalt? Then read through the doctoral regulations of the doctoral center. Then look for a supervisor among the professors of the Doctoral Center Environment and Technology who would like to supervise the topic. The best way to do this is to make an appointment for a consultation with the potential supervisor to present the topic.
Next, request the necessary application documents from the advisor, Ms. Kerstin Tänzer (kerstin.taenzer@h2.de). You will complete the Acceptance Application, enter into a supervision agreement with the primary supervising person, and prepare an exposé of the dissertation project.
The application must be sent by mail and digitally to the Center Director for the attention of Kerstin Tänzer.
Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences
Doctoral Center Environment and Technology
for the attention of Kerstin Tänzer
Breitscheidstraße 2
39114 Magdeburg
The process of doctoral studies at the Doctoral Center
The process of doctoral studies at the Doctoral Center
Here you will find step-by-step instructions on how to complete a doctorate with us. If you have any questions, please do not hestitate to contact the Coordinator of the Doctral Center, Kerstin Tänzer.
Before doctorate
Do you have an idea for a dissertation topic in the field of environment and technology? Are you interested in doing a doctorate at a university of applied sciences in Saxony-Anhalt? Please contact Kerstin Tänzer, the advisor of the PhD Center, for individual advice!
Read the doctoral regulations of the Doctoral Center (see "Documents"). They form the legal basis for all doctoral studies and regulate, among other things, the rights and duties of doctoral students.
If you have any questions regarding the doctoral regulations, please feel free to contact Kerstin Tänzer.
Search for a supervisor
Look for a supervisor among the professors of the Doctoral Center Environment and Technology who would like to supervise the topic. It is best to make an appointment with the potential supervisor to present the topic, the preliminary research question and the relevance. In addition, another person may be the secondary supervisor, even if he or she is not a member of the Doctoral Center Environment and Technology. Please inform yourself about the conditions for a second supervision in the doctoral regulations under § 7 para. 2.
Request application forms
The application forms are available upon request from the advisor, Ms. Kerstin Tänzer.
Write an exposé outlining your planned research project. Use the exposé instructions as a guideline (see "Documents") and consult with your supervisor. Also conclude a supervision agreement with your supervisor. This document is part of the application forms that you will receive from the advisor of the PhD Center, Ms. Kerstin Tänzer.
Fill out the acceptance application and the survey form for the doctoral statistics and enclose the supervision agreement, the exposé and the other required documents. The application should be sent by mail and digitally to:
Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences
Doctoral Center Environment and Technology
Attn: Kerstin Tänzer
Breitscheidstraße 51
39114 Magdeburg
Examination of your documents
Your documents will be checked for completeness before the meeting of the doctoral committee in which your acceptance as a doctoral candidate will be decided. We will contact you if any documents are still needed.
Acceptance at the Doctoral Center
The doctoral committee decides on your acceptance as a doctoral candidate at the doctoral center. If necessary, you will be admitted with conditions that you should fulfill in the course of your doctoral studies. You will be informed about the decision by e-mail.
During doctorate
You can enrol as a doctoral student at Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences after acceptance at the doctoral center, if desired. It is possible to take a leave of absence for individual semesters for health reasons, pregnancy/maternity leave, parental leave, caring for close relatives, and in the case of extraordinary stress during employment.
Writing your dissertation
You write your dissertation on the basis of the synopsis. Basically, you have the choice to write a monograph or to write a cumulative dissertation. A monograph is a coherent scientific work (equivalent to a book). To do a PhD cumulatively means that you publish three closely related scientific papers in recognized journals and write a summary text for them. Consider with your advisor which model is a better fit for your dissertation project. Adhere to the principles of good scientific practice when researching and writing.
A doctorate takes an average of four to five years to complete. After five years, the doctoral committee decides whether to continue with the doctoral program. You may be enrolled for ten semesters; after that, the Enrollment Office will require a letter from the doctoral committee and your advisor to continue enrollment.
Continue to meet regularly with your supervisor during this phase and report on your progress. Attend doctoral seminars and events offered by the Doctoral Center. Participation in a course on good scientific practice is mandatory for all doctoral students according to the Doctoral Center Environment and Technology's doctoral regulations.
Initiating the doctoral process
When your dissertation is ready, submit an application to the doctoral committee to initiate the doctoral procedure. For this purpose, you submit your dissertation in printed and digital form. You can propose reviewers for your dissertation - one of the reviewing persons must be a member of the PhD Center and fit to your field of study. The other person(s) will be external. Note that your supervising person may not review the thesis. This follows a recommendation of the German Council of Science and Humanities to ensure the independence of the reviews.
Wait for it
The doctoral committee decides whether to initiate the doctoral procedure. If the procedure is initiated, the committee appoints a doctoral committee for your doctoral procedure and appoints the reviewers of your thesis.
Completion of the doctorate
The reviewers then have eight weeks to review your dissertation. Once the reviews have been submitted with a proposal for evaluation, the doctoral committee and the examination board will receive the thesis and the reviews for inspection. In addition, all professors and habilitated members of the Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences have two weeks to view the reviews and thesis and, if necessary, to comment on them in writing.
After that, the doctoral committee decides on the acceptance of the dissertation on the basis of the expert opinions and the submitted comments. In exceptional cases, you may need to make additions or changes to your dissertation before it can be accepted; the doctoral committee will then set a deadline for you to do so.
No later than three months after acceptance of the dissertation, you will defend it orally before the examination committee. This is open to the public. In addition to other professors, your supervisor(s) and the reviewers sit on the committee. Before the defense (disputation) you will give a presentation of max. 30 minutes; afterwards you will be examined for 60-90 minutes. The content of the disputation is as follows: "The disputation discusses the content of the dissertation, includes the expert opinions and also covers related problems of the subject and adjacent areas of other subjects as well as the state of research in them" (Doctoral Regulations §16, para.7).
Directly after the disputation you will find out your overall grade (composed of the grade of the dissertation (2/3) and the grade of the disputation (1/3)). This is the end of the doctoral procedure.
Publication of the dissertation
Within one year after the disputation you publish your dissertation. If necessary, you will implement the conditions imposed on you by the examination committee after the disputation. The chair of the doctoral committee approves the version ready for publication before publication.
Awarding the doctoral degree
As soon as the dissertation is published, you will receive your doctoral degree certificate. From that point on, you may use your doctoral degree. Congratulations!
Supervising Professors
Name | Professor for | Research focus |
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Daniel Bachmann
| Hydromechanics and hydrodynamic modelling |
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Carsten Cuhls | Waste processing technology |
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Reik Donner
| Mathematics - |
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernd Ettmer | Hydraulic engineering |
Prof. Dr. techn. Sebastian Hantscher
| High frequency technology/ EMC |
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sascha Kayser | Traffic route engineering |
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Przemyslaw Komarnicki
| Electrical systems engineering |
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Volker Luederitz
| Renaturation and revitalisation of waters, nature conservation and water management, eco-technologies of water treatment |
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ruediger Mecke
| Control technology and process control engineering |
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Frido Reinstorf
| Hydrology, geoinformatics |
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Petra Schneider
| International water management |
Prof. Kilian Smith, Ph.D.
| Environmental chemistry |
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Frank Trommer
| Project planning of manufacturing systems and ergonomics |
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Olaf Ueberschaer
| Human-Technology-Interaction |
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Juergen Wiese
| Water management systems with a focus on waste water |
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Willberg | Materials technology |
The Doctoral Center Environment & Technology consists of three bodies/committees with different functions.
Doctoral Committee
The doctoral committee decides on the formal procedural matters of doctoral studies at the Center, e.g. it admits doctoral students to the Center, appoints their supervisor(s) as well as reviewers, and appoints the doctoral committee.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernd Ettmer
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Przemyslaw Komarnicki
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Petra Schneider
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Olaf Ueberschär
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Wiese
The PhD Committee meets monthly, usually on the first Thursday of the month.
Center Management
The Center Management conducts the business and implements decisions of the Promotion Committee and the Center Council. This includes, among other things, budget planning, public relations and reporting.
The center management consists of the director Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernd Ettmer and the deputy director Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Olaf Ueberschär.
Center's Council
The Center Council decides on fundamental matters such as the admission of new professorial members, an amendment to the doctoral regulations and statutes, and the quality assurance of doctoral procedures.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernd Ettmer
Voting members:
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Przemyslaw Komarnicki
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Petra Schneider
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Olaf Ueberschär
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Wiese
Prof. Dr. Kerstin Baumgarten - Prorector for Research, Development and Transfer
Advisory members:
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Irene Slavik - Equal Opportunity Officer of the university
Sven Schiffner - Doctoral Student Speaker (IWID)
Udo Satzinger - Doctoral Student Speaker (WUBS)
Legal basis
Documents for those interested in doctoral studies
The exposé instructions are a recommendation for prospective doctoral candidates. Individual agreements about the exposé with the supervisor take precedence.
The documents for applying for admission to the Proomotion Centre are available on request from Kerstin Tänzer (kerstin.taenzer@h2.de).
Good scientific practice
Guidelines for Safeguarding Good Research Practice (Code of Conduct)
Leitfaden zur Nutzung generativer KI im Studium an der Hochschule Magdeburg-Stendal (06/2024)
Doctoral theses
Current doctoral projects in the Doctoral Centre Environment and Technology
Doctoral student | Working titel of the doctorate |
Parvaneh Latifi
| Erhöhung der Lebensraumfunktion von Fließgewässern für aquatische Insekten und Fische – Voraussetzungen für einen qualitativen Sprung
Marcel Hallmann
KI-basierte Betriebsführung von Batteriespeichersystemen im Smart Grid
Stefan Orlik
Maßstabseffekte an einem Parallelwerk |
Lukas Folkens |
Niedrigwasserrisikomanagement zur Prävention ökologisch-ökonomischer Zielkonflikte und als Internalisierungsstrategie im Kontext einer Klimafolgenanpassung
Caroline Schon
Einsatz von xR im Bereich hochwertiger Bildung zur Förderung der Digitalisierung sowie der Informationstechnologie
Gayane Karapetyan
Analysis of satellite and ground-based observations of thunderstorm characteristics over Europe
Udo Satzinger
Entwicklung und Evaluierung eines holistischen Ansatzes zur Niedrigwasserrisikoanalyse/
Patrali Majumder
Adaptation of data-driven Expert Systems for Smart Grid Optimization
Sven Schiffner
Daten-getriebene Lastprognosen für den effizienten Betrieb von Smart Grids
Iman Sharifpour
A scenario-neutral approach to predict the groundwater recharge considering the future climate impact.
Jens Götze
Generisches Entwicklungsframework zur flexiblen, zuverlässigen und transparenten Modellierung integrierter Multi-Energie-Systeme
Mathew John Mancha
Development of a Plot Scale Diffusivity Measurement System – Pe-doDiff
Natascha Eggers
Grenzwertorientierte Methoden zur Bestimmung des Effizienzoptimums von Wasserstoffbereitstellungstechnologien im Kontext von Power-to-X
Julian Matlach
Ermittlung der Einflussfaktoren auf klimarelevante Emissionen bei der aeroben Behandlung von organischen Abfällen auf Basis von verschiedenen Feldmessmethoden
Andreas Roth
Beitrag zur zerstörungsfreien Zustandsbestimmung in Asphalttragschichten
Carsten Beneker
Recyclingdünger aus menschlichen Ausscheidungen für die regenerative Landwirtschaft - prozess- und produktspezifische Qualitätssicherung bei der zirkulären Wertschöpfung aus Trockentoiletteninhalten
Robert Pietracho | Aktive Spannungsregelung in Mittel- und Niederspannungsnetzen durch Einsatz von Elektrofahrzeugflotten zur Effizienzsteigerung von SmartGrid Betriebes |
Completed doctorates in the Doctoral Centre Environment and Technology
Contact details

Coordinator Doctoral Center Environment and Technology
Kerstin Taenzer
Tel.: 0049 391 886 49 92
E-Mail: kerstin.taenzer@h2.de
Address: Forschungs- und Entwicklungszentrum FEZ, Breitscheidstr. 51, 39114 Magdeburg, Room 3.02
The Directors

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernd Ettmer
Phone: 0049 391 886 44 29
E-Mail: bernd.ettmer@h2.de
Address: Breitscheidstr. 2, 39114 Magdeburg, House 6 / Room 2.21
Office hours: by arrangement

Deputy Director
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Olaf Ueberschaer
Phone: 0049 391 886 44 66
E-Mail: olaf.ueberschaer@h2.de
Office: Breitscheidstr. 2, 39114 Magdeburg, House 8 / Room 1.03