Coronavirus: Information for international students
The challenges posed by the coronavirus present us with many questions these days and, of course, also cause us concern. In order to minimize the risk of infection, the Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences asks for special attention and compliance with the instructions.
What must I do if I have tested positive or have an order for quarantine?
If you are ordered by a doctor or the health department to go into domestic quarantine, you must comply with this order immediately and observe the relevant requirements.
Quarantine or self-isolation is considered the same as a sick leave. Arrangements can be made with instructors on an individual basis to make up missed content.
Please use the online reporting form to inform possible contacts. When reporting a Covid19 case, please take special care to include the day, time, and room where contacts occurred.
What does the summer semester 2022 look like in presence?
Teaching and university activities at both campuses in Magdeburg and Stendal will always take place in attendance.
There is no longer a legal obligation to wear masks, prove one's vaccination or convalescent status, get tested, or sign in by name indoors as of 2.4.2022.
Due to the current situation and because classroom teaching is the focus of all efforts, the college is nevertheless making available and recommending the use of the range of framework protective measures through 4/30. Thus, the following options at the university may be used voluntarily:
Masks: if spacing cannot be maintained - for example, in crowded classrooms - we recommend wearing medical masks. Those who wish to increase self-protection can wear an FFP2 mask. Both types of masks are still available on campus to all employees and students free of charge. They can be picked up at the secretariats in Magdeburg and at the Infopoint in Stendal.
Tests: Please take advantage of the testing opportunities. The university's own testing centers will remain in operation until May 1, 2022. However, tests will continue to be available in the secretariats of the deaneries and organizational areas, the Stura, in Frösi, and in Stendal at the Infopoint.
Contact tracking: The contact tracking system consists of two elements, the program (accessible via the QR code on each room) and the university's reporting procedure. Please continue to use both. This is the only way to efficiently inform contact persons of those who tested positive.
The known basic measures AHA+L (keep your distance, observe hygiene rules, wear mask in everyday life + ventilate regularly) are also still recommended.
Is the Mensa open?
The Mensa at the Herrenkrug Campus and the Mensa in Stendal are open.
The previous 3G rule no longer applies, but not the mask requirement. The Studentenwerk writes: "Since we want to offer you - our guests - and also our employees* the greatest possible protection, the FFP2 mask requirement remains in place until further notice, even in April!"
Since the dining halls are not subject to the rules of the university's crisis management team, but to those of the student union, there may be different regulations on one campus.
FFP2 masks will continue to be provided free of charge to all employees and students on campus. They can be picked up at the secretaries' offices in Magdeburg and at the Infopoint in Stendal.
The Studentenwerk Magdeburg will provide information about current changes.
Where can I get tested?
Free rapid tests are available for all university members, which are also valid for providing a 3G certificate. Those who need a certificate of their test result for private purposes can also obtain one at some of these locations. For the proof within the university the four-eyes-principle is sufficient.
Location Magdeburg
- Test center house 15 in the entrance area to the exercise hall from 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. (certificate possible)
- Deans' offices/ secretariats or in the information office of the departments
- Stura Haus 11/ Tuesday to Thursday from 10am - 3:30pm (certificate possible)
- Café Frösi
- Guard house 13
- Library House 1
Location Stendal
- Test center house 2, room 0.07 (certificate possible)
- Infopoint House 2 (certificate possible)
As of 01.05.2022 the test centers are no longer open. However, tests and masks will still be available in the secretariats of the deaneries and organizational areas, the Stura, in the Frösi as well as in Stendal at the Infopoint.
What do I do when I have cold symptoms?
Information and assistance can be found at:
The differences between covid19, flu, cold and hay fever.
FAQs for International Students
General hygiene measures
The RKI recommends the following general hygiene measures:
- 1-2 meters distance to coughing or sneezing persons
- Maintain hand hygiene (wash hands thoroughly with soap and water)
- Comply with coughing label (e.g. coughing, sneezing into the crook of the arm)
It is your responsibility to keep yourself updated through our website: